Tuesday 22 February 2011

February 23rd

February 23rd is the 54th day in the Gregorian calender. There are now only 311 days left for 2011, and only 303 shopping days until Christmas.

Here’s a few writing prompts from this days history.

The prophet Muhammad gave his last sermon in 632.

The Cato Street Conspiracy, a plot to murder all the British cabinet ministers,

in 1820, was exposed.

The first day of the battle of Alamo in Texas, in 1836.

In 1898, Emile Zola is imprisoned in response to her letter of accusation against the French government. She accused the French government of anti-Semitism and of wrongfully imprisoning Captain Alfred Dreyfus.

The uncertainty principle was described by Werner Heisenburg in a letter to WolfgangPauli for the first time.

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